Monday, 2 February 2015

Three-weekly Bin Collections & the Mess!

The letter below was published in
last Thursday's Bury Times & a report on
page 6. of the same paper
 alleges that the Labour Council in Bury
may have considered juggling the waste
collection figures to improve on targets:

Dear Editor, 

In regard to the leading article in the Bury Times (Thurs. 22nd, Jan) on the perils of Fly Tipping, I should like to say that some union members in Street Cleansing have been concerned about the increased amount of overflowing waste locally, owing to the change to 3-weekly collections for non-recyclable waste since the new system was introduced last October.  I see Bury MBC claim:
'Fly-tipping is not a new problem and has not increased due to the recent changes to the household-waste collection service.' 
Yet, the lads on the streets cleaning up the mess are telling us that they are doing extra work, owing to the scattering of the waste from overflowing bins.   

Fortunately, I understand, the cost of this extra labour by the street cleaners is being booked on the refuse coding rather than on the street cleansing bill.  Hence, it ought not to be possible for the Refuse Dept. at Bradley Fold to shunt the extra cost for this work onto the Street Cleansing Dept., and thereby distort the figures to show a false improvement in the cost of waste removal.   

Brian Bamford:  Secretary of Bury Unite Commercial Branch

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