Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Blacklist Support Group Infomation

1. High Court Group Litigation - hearing
The blacklisting show trial involving virtually all of the major contractors and around 300 blacklisted workers continues. The British justice system moves at a glacially slow pace - but we are getting closer.
Friday 13th February
Royal Courts of Justice
The Strand
assemble outside from 9:30am (if its pouring down - go straight in)
2. Smith v Carillion
There was a reserved judgement at Court of Appeal - which means we should get the decision as a written judgement in around 2-3 months time. The judgement is expected to have implications not just for blacklisted union members but the employment status of agency workers and the scope of human rights in UK employment law.
Many thanks to the pro-bono legal team David Renton, Declan Owens & John Hendy QC from the Free Representation Unit, without whose expert legal support this test case would have gone nowhere. Many thanks to all the blacklisted workers and supporters who have turned up to the many hearings and showed solidarity over the 6 years this case has been running.
I have had requests from a number of people to explain the legal issues of this case. It is not a short 2 sentence explanation, so it will be sent in a separate email - if you are not interested in the legal technicalities of the case, simply ignore it when it arrives.
3. Blacklist Support Group AGM
Saturday 7th March (3pm)
Jury's Inn, Jamaica Street, Glasgow
The AGM is being held in conjunction with the construction rank & file national meeting.
All blacklisted workers welcome to attend and vote. All supporters welcome to attend.

4. Blacklisting film
The Arts Council have just provided a grant to filmmaker Lucy Parker to develop research for film on Blacklisting. Lucy has visited many BSG events in the past and has interviewed a number of people. She is hoping to speak to lots of people over the next months and will be organising some events to bring people together for discussions (more info soon). Lucy will be at the BSG AGM in Glasgow in March. If you have been affected by blacklisting directly or indirectly would be great to hear from you.
h - if you're going and would be willing to speak please get in touch. lucy.c.parker@gmail.com

5. Blacklisted - the book
The book by Phil Chamberlain & Dave Smith on the blacklisting scandal will be available to buy from the first week in March. Pre-orders are available via the New Internationalist website: http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/
In order to maximise the impact in the General Election period (we are still campaigning for a full public inquiry) it would be very useful if people visited their local library & bookshops and asked them to get copies in. BSG is asking for supporters to arrange speaking dates at union meetings, universities, bookshops, festivals throughout March, April and May. Thank you to all those who have already been in contact. If you wish to arrange a meeting, contact blacklistsg@gmail.com
Some quotes about the book attached.
6.Construction Safety Campaign vigil at the inquest into Rene Tkacik's death who was killed on Crossrail
Monday 23rd February
St. Pancras Coroners court
Camley Street
7. Institute of Employment Rights website provides an excellent resource: http://www.ier.org.uk/resources/blacklisting

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