Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Blacklist Support Group Diary:

Blacklisting the blacklisters.pdf

1. Smith v Carillion
Wed 4th Feb 10am start (hearing is expected to last 2 days)
Court of Appeal, Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand

The UK government has joined themselves to a blacklisting legal case being heard this week. The Court of Appeal is being asked to decide whether blacklisting breaches the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of engineer Dave Smith. John Hendy QC and David Renton are arguing that blacklisting is a breach of Article 8 & 11 of the ECHR and that if Smith is not protected by UK employment law, then the law itself cannot be compatible with the European Convention Rights. They are asking the Court of Appeal to agree a " Declaration of Non-compatibility". The UK government has taken the extremely rare decsion to joined the case as an "Intervener". Legal submission on behalf of the UK government concedes that Article 8 & 11 have been breached but argues that UK law does comply with the ECHR.

2. High Court continues

The next hearing in the High Court Group Litigation involving around 300 claimants is Friday 13th Feb (1 day hearing).
BSG will assemble outside the court at 9:30am for photo-opportunity.
3. Blacklist Support Group AGM
Saturday 7th March (3pm)
Jury's Inn, Jamaica Street, Glasgow
Agenda items
1 apologies for absence
2 Report - treasurer
3 Report - secretary
4 Q&A
5 Election of officers

The AGM is being held in conjunction with the construction rank & file national meeting.
1pm - RnF national meeting
3pm - BSG AGM
All blacklisted workers welcome to attend and vote. All supporters welcome to attend.
4. Blacklisted - the book
The book by Phil Chamberlain & Dave Smith on the blacklisting scandal will be available to buy from the first week in March. Pre-orders are available via the New Internationalist website: http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/
In order to maximise the impact in the General Election period (we are still campaigning for a full public inquiry) it would be very useful if people visited their local library & bookshops and asked them to get copies in. BSG is asking for supporters to arrange speaking dates at union meetings, universities, bookshops, festivals throughout March, April and May. Contact blacklistsg@gmail.com to arrange.
5. Frank Morris victory
Frank Morris - blacklisted from the Olympics and Crossrail - has been elected to the UNITE executive representing construction. Another victory for the rank & file. Blacklist Support Group issued an official statement: "well chuffed"
6. No Public Contracts for Blacklisters
Blacklisting is shameful - so is the cover up. So why are the guilty firms still awarded public contracts?
BSG supporters have also been discussing the issue with councilors in Liverpool
Michael Newman solicitor for Leigh Day has compiled a legal brief for public authorities wishing to deny work to firms involved in the blacklisting scandal (attached).
7. Mexican migrant workers blacklisted for joining trade unions in Canada:

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