Tuesday, 20 January 2015

High Court & Blacklist Book etc.

1. High Court:
The end of January is the deadline for the firms to disclose any documents they hold relating to The Consulting Association or Economic League blacklisting organisations. To date they have not disclosed a single set of minutes or any other document - we await to see what the firms claim to hold. The next date for the Blacklisting group litigation at the High Court has been set for Friday 13th February.

2. Dave Williams R.I.P.
Blacklisted bricklayer Dave Williams has recent passed away. He was a UCATT shop steward and member of the Laing's Lock Out Committee who were served with a High Court injunction during their struggle against blacklisting in 1985-6. Attached is an obituary by Brian Higgins who worked with Dave during the 1980s.
3. Blacklisted : the book will be published by New Internationalist in March 2015. http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/ 

"The book on blacklisting by Phil Chamberlain and Dave Smith could turn out be one of most important of 2015" - Rob Evans, author of Undercover & Guardian journalist via twitter 

"‎This book tells personal accounts of corporate bullying on an industrial scale and how ordinary workers stood firm against some of the biggest corporations on the planet in the search for justice" - Frank Morris, blacklisted electrician. 
"This book performs a major service in documenting the scale and persistence of blacklisting: a conspiracy between major employers, right-wing ideologues and the police to destroy the livelihoods of courageous trade unionists who defend the rights of their fellow workers" - Emeritus Professor, of industrial relations Richard Hyman. 
"Phil Chamberlain is an individual to watch because of his involvement with Dave Smith and dedication to the unions. He also has strong abilities as a freelance journalist to make his voice and opinions heard." - Confidential profile on a Laing O'Rourke document recently disclosed under the Data Protection Act. 
The Blacklist Support Group are planning a UK wide tour with the authors Dave Smith & Phil Chamberlain during March-April. The aim is to publicise the issue during the General Election campaign. BSG are asking all supporters to try an arrange a meeting local to where you live - contact your University, Trades Council, bookshop, union committee etc.. to see if they would like to host an event - please contact BSG to confirm dates & arrange the logistics. We are also looking for media opportunities.
4. Mon 19th Jan (8pm) Dispatches Channel 4 - The Umbrella Scam
lots of interviews with blacklisted workers from the construction rank & file meeting in Newcastle before Christmas.

5. Wed 21st Jan (6pm) - London Hazards AGM
Leigh Day Solicitors
Priory House
St Johns Lane
EC1M 4LB  (3 mins from Farringdon tube)

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