Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Fracking in Lancashire!

Statement from Greater Manchester Trades' Councils:

IF we are to prevent irreversible climate change, we have to leave 80% of existing reserves of fossil fuel in the ground. A new 'extreme' type of fossil fuel -shale gas- forced out of the ground by fracturing rocks in a process which pollutes water, air and threatens human and animal health, is the last thing we need.
This coming Wednesday and Thursday, 28th and 29th January,Lancashire County Council will decide whether to allow large scale fracking tests at two sites on the Fylde.. This would be the first time actual fracking (as opposed to exploratory drilling) has taken place in the UK since Cuadrilla's previous attempts near Blackpool caused earthquakes.
Local anti-fracking and environmental groups will be lobbying the council meeting in Preston to refuse planning permission. The outcome will affect the future of fracking throughout the UK. Some of us are going from Greater Manchester to support them. Can you join us?
We are meeting at Piccadilly Station (the waiting area near Platform 14) at 7.35 on Wednesday and Thursday mornings (Wednesday is perhaps more important but come when you can!) to catch the 7.45 train to Preston. County Hall (PR1 8RL) is opposite the station. We'll be gathering at 9 to catch councillors going in for a meeting from 10 till 4.
There may also be a free coach going from Manchester (7am) via Eccles (7.30) organised by Northern Gas Gala, you would need to contact them to confirm this. 
Time to Act on Climate Change: demo and meeting
Demo in London on March 7th, transport details to follow soon.
Meeting to build our Manchester contingent: Tuesday 17th Feb, 7pm Friends Meeting House. Again, look out for details shortly.

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