Monday, 29 December 2014

A. F. NORTH announcement!

'Renovation in Progress':

THE Manchester a.f. (Anarchist Federation) would very much like it to be known by all those who have heard of them, and few will have, that they are still 'very active'.  Alas, their 'website has had its problems'!

This very active body does not tell us what they are really up to, perhaps because they make a point of being in their own words 'semi-secretive', and being brought up shy like all good little English boys and girls they typically don't broadcast their own names or devulge much about themselves at all. 

Above all like most respectably Englishmen and women of gentile disposition they enjoy their privacy and only moderately militant; yet let it be known they are in their own words:  'ORGANISING FOR RESISTANCE'.  So watch out comrades!

Their website does warn us that it has lots of 'content on the main AF website, 'including various local texts and articles from historical groups including sexy stuff as Solidarity, Subversion and Wildcat'.  Goodness me, I can hardly wait!

Renovation in Progress:

'We in Manchester are still very active. However, this website has had its difficulties and we are currently redesigning it.
In the meantime, check out the following blog;
and our Facebook page;
Note: You will still be able to access a lot of content including links on the left to content on the main AF website and the international IFA site, plus local archives of material in the Online Library section including various local texts and articles from historical groups including Solidarity, Subversion and Wildcat.'

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