Monday, 13 October 2014

Karen Danczuk & Liz McInnes:

With Chests Expanded to the Ball

  The item immediately below is taken from the Guido Fawkes' Blog:

Guido’s favourite Labour councillor Karen Danczuk was given a tough time during her appearance on Loose Women, coming in for some particularly unfair criticism about her allegedly provocative Twitter selfies. This blog has always been at the cutting edge of agenda setting data journalism, so Guido decided to investigate and put Karen’s defence to the test. The evidence presented below shows that Mrs D is right, despite what the Loose Women said more often than not her selfies are just good, clean fun:
In light of this indisputable new evidence perhaps Karen’s critics should start talking about some of her other assets…

SOMEWHERE George Orwell writes that it was by being somewhat stupid that saved the English people and England up until about the Second World War, but that he doubted that faculty was something we could continue to rely upon in future.  None-the-less, I suspect that there is still in this country a genuine suspicion of intellectuals and clever people.  I suspect that John Bickley, the Ukip candidate in the Heywood and Middleton By-election, was brighter and more intelligent than the trade union hack, Liz McInnes, put up by the Labour Party, just as Janet Street-Porter on the program 'Loose Women' is an intellectual giant compared to Rochdale Councillor Karen Danczuk and wife of Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk. 

And yet, Ms. McInnes beat John Bickley in the election in Heywood if only by 600-and-odd votes, and Ms. Danczuk found her followers on Twitter flocking to support her after she was badly mauled for baring her cleavage by Ms. Street-Porter on the program 'Loose Women' last week.  This may of course, have something to do with an Anglo-Saxon sympathy for the underdog, but it may also represent an underlying English distaste for the Smart Alec and clever dick.

Karen Danczuk with chest expanded to the ball seems to uphold a brand of feminism which is which is quite feisty compared with the usual middle-class version of the feminist type.  Ms. Danczuk is what we could call the genuine voice of the under-class to middle-class feminism.  Her's is the voice of the Northern Bumpkin and her's is the Good Soldier Švejk's answer to the snobbery of the English left-wing politics.  Just as Wyndam Lewis once said the English working-man's idea of a good time is so very different from that of the left-wing intellectual, so a lower-class feminist like Karen Danczuk's  perception of empowerment is very different from that of say Germaine Greer or the lasses at the News from Nowhere bookshop in Liverpool.

Ms. Danczuk articulates a feminism more in keeping with say Mistress Quigley  in a pub in Shakespeare's Henry IV:  a down to earth 'arse and tits' feminism of the lower orders of English society that still exists in the North of England.  This is a long way from the bookish lasses I knew at University, but perhaps not so far from the lasses I knew at Secondary Modern School.  And she seems in her endeavours not only to have the support of much of the great British public, but of her husband Simon Danczuk, MP for Rochdale, who has admitted to taking drugs, and who has said of Karen that he is happy that 'she has beauty as well as brains'.

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