A leading editorial in today's Daily Mail gives its blessing to Simon Danczuk as the Rochdale MP who has been working his fingers to the bone ferreting-out paedophiles throughout the land, or at least since he was persuaded it was a good bet way back in November 2012. The Mail editor writes with passion of the 'pressure growing' today:
'More than 130 MPs, led by Simon Danczuk - whose tireless research exposed the full depravity of Cyril Smith - have called for a full investigation into the claims of abuse in children's homes three decades ago.'
Alas, the Daily Mail itself showed no inclination to act when Cyril Smith's abuse of power against young men at Cambridge House was first brought to the public's attention in May 1979 by the then editors of the independent Rochdale Alternative Paper (RAP), John Walker and David Bartlett, and later in Private Eye. Had the Mail and the rest of the mainstream media acted then to publicise the revelations bravely published in RAP in 1979, much of what happened later may have been prevented.
For the Daily Mail's editor now to thunder on about 'double standards', 'cover ups' and to talk about 'concealment - at the heart of the British Establishment' merely demonstrates, once again, the hypocrisy for which the British press is so famous.
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