A leading Labour councillor, Farooq Ahmed, and his wife Councillor Shefali Ahmed, resigned from the Rochdale Labour Party last Friday. Both will now stand as Independent councillors.
At a Court on Wednesday the 11th, June, Councillor Farooq Ahmed was found guilty of a section 4 public order offence following an altercation with fellow Labour councillor Neil Emmott on Cheetham Street in Rochdale last January. Councillor Emmott, who works as a case worker for Simon Danczuk the Rochdale MP, had accused Councillor Ahmed of abusing and threatening him using 'homophobic' words. Councillor Emmott took his complaint to the police.
Councillor Farooq Ahmed told RochdaleONLINE:
'We feel we can use our time and energy on a more positive and productive contribution for our constituents by being independent members.'
In his statement Councillor Ahmed continued:
'Our resignation comes due to all the political infighting and division within the Labour Group, and the lack of support and intervention by the local Labour Party and regional office. There are many issues which could have been resolved internally which would have prevented negative media attention for the town. It is a sad time for us, as we wanted to see the end of all this political and personal fiasco, the group should be focusing on the real issues within our town. We would like to thank former Council Leader, Councillor Colin Lambert and the previous Cabinet who had worked hard and tirelessly with council staff in the most challenging times. Myself, former Leader of the Council, Councillor Lambert and the previous Cabinet have laid the foundation and have created a clearer path for the future developments for this borough. We hope the current leadership and the Cabinet are able to continue the good work.'
Councillor Farooq Ahmed's term on the Council runs until May 2015, Councillor Shefali Ahmed until May 2016.
Rochdale Council leader Councillor Richard Farnell told the Rochdale Observer yesterday that 'Councillor Farooq Ahmed was "likely" to have been thrown out of the Labour party following last week's court case.' Councillor Farnell added: 'It is always sad when someone takes a decision to resign. However, following Coun. Farooq Ahmed's criminal conviction at Manchester Magistrates Court last week, he was facing severe disiplinary action and likely expulsion by the national Labour party.'