Saturday, 24 May 2014

North West TUC News:

News from the NWTUC 

22nd May 2014 
To hear more about the TUC in the North West you can:

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If you would like anything included in future editions of News from the NWTUC, 

Please email Kara Stevens on

To view the TUC Campaign Plan, visit

SAVE THE DATE – Anti Austerity Demonstration, 6th, September:
Following their emergency motion to this year’s North West TUC Annual Conference, Unison are in the early stages of planning for a March and Rally to take place in Manchester City Centre on Saturday 6th, September 2014. 
 The march is expected to pass through Manchester City Centre and culminate with a rally in Castlefield Basin. Unison will be updating the Regional Executive of progress at the next meeting and details will be circulated in due course. In the meantime, save the date in your diaries!

Merseyside CSC Public Meeting on the Miami Five – 28th May

The Merseyside group of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign is holding its next meeting on Wednesday 28
th May, to discuss the case of the Miami Five. Tony Woodley, ex-general secretary of Unite, will be speaking having recently visited Ramón Labañino, one of the Five, in prison and met a number of the wives of the five.

Anyone with an interest is invited to attend. The meeting is being held at Jack Jones House, 2 Churchill Way, Liverpool, L3 8EF and commences at 7:30pm. If you require any more information about the meeting please contact Penny Anderson on 0151 334 9470 or on

The George Garrett Archive Project:

George Garrett, Merchant Seaman, writer, playwright and founder member of Liverpool’s Unity Theatre, was a radical activist who travelled the world and wrote a series of short stories, stage plays and documentary reports about poverty and struggle in the 1920’s and 30’s.

The Writing on the Wall festival (WOW) have an exhibition of his work on display in Liverpool Central Library, William Brown Street. There are two upcoming events to attend:

George Garrett – A stoker with a punch: A talk about the life and work of George Garrett:
Saturday 24th, May 2014, starting at 1pm. Liverpool Central Library.  Free Entry. 
This features a talk and a tour of the archive.

Two Tides by George Garrett: 
Wednesday 28th, May 2014, starting at 8pm. The Unity Theatre, 1 Hope Place, L1 9BG. Tickets £6/£4 concessions, call 0151 709 4988 or visit
A rehearsed reading of Garrett’s first play, influenced by his hero, Eugene O’Neill.  
TUC Young Trade Union Leaders Weekend:
As part of the November 2014 TUC Young Workers Month, the TUC will be running its first ever Young Trade Union Leaders Weekend at Ruskin College, Oxford from

November 28th to 30th 2014.

The programme is aimed at young activists already in leadership positions at branch, sector, regional or national level within their unions.
The aim of the programme is to develop awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by the trade union movement and the skills required to build strong and effective unions

The programme will cover the following key areas;

The key challenges faced by unions

Strategies and skills for union revitalisation

Effective campaigning

The programme will be run by senior TUC staff and will include contributions from senior officers from unions, partner organisations and academics.

The cost of the programme is £180 per person which covers two nights’ accommodation and meals at Ruskin College. All materials etc. are provided free of charge. This does not include the cost of travel to and from Ruskin College.

Participants will be expected to arrive at Ruskin College in time for the formal opening of the programme at 6.30pn on Friday November 28

th and stay until the close of the programme at approximately 3.00pm on Sunday November 30th, 2014.

Nomination for the programme are sought either directly from unions or individuals who meet the criteria above and are able to demonstrate that they have the support of their union at either a national or regional level.
Nominees/applicants must qualify as young members under the rules of their union. In cases where the nominees/applicants union does not have a rule defining a young member, then they should be aged 27 and under on November 28th, 2014.
To register or find out more, visit

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