Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Greater Manchester Police Cough-up £50,000

Out of Court Settlement over threat to Civil Liberty of Cleric
YESTERDAY, a Christian street preacher who was held by police without food or water for 15 hours after he was arrested over comments he made to two gay teenagers has been given £13,000 in compensation. 
John Craven was held in Manchester after two boys claimed they were offended by his views on homosexuality.  The 57-year-old said the experience in September 2011 had been 'distressing'.

Greater Manchester Police agreed to compensate Mr Craven after he alleged a breach of his human rights and agreed to pay a total of £50,000 in costs and compensation in an out-of-court settlement.

Supt Alan Greene told the Manchester Evening News the force could not 'go into detail about the circumstances, [but] we can acknowledge that we did make mistakes and, in particular, kept the claimant in custody for too long'.

Mr Craven, who has regularly preached in Manchester city centre for seven years, was approached by the boys while he was preaching about salvation.

He said the teenagers asked him what he thought of gays, which he had answered by quoting from the Bible's teachings on the subject, before adding that 'whilst God hates sin, He loves the sinner'.

He said the pair then began to kiss in front of him and act out sexual acts.

The boys then reported Mr Craven to a nearby mounted police constable, who placed him under arrest for  'public order offences'.  He was taken to a city centre police station and held for 19 hours while an investigation took place.

He said that within this time, he was denied food, water and his medication for rheumatoid arthritis for 15 hours.

He added that he was eventually given a bowl of cereal and a microwave meal after a friend complained about his treatment.

God save us from those fanatics who think they are being persecuted!

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