Friday, 7 March 2014

Rochdale Council Confirms N.V. Story

JOURNALIST Lisa Gray in tomorrow's Rochdale Observer reports that Rochdale MBC has now confirmed the story that appeared on this N.V. Blog last Tuesday; that lawyers 'acting on behalf of abuse victims of the late Cyril Smith have formally started a civil action against Rochdale council'

Last Friday, a press officer speaking for the council had been unable to confirm this to Northern Voices, but a spokewoman in Rochdale MBC Legal & Democratic Services Dept. had earlier admitted that the formal documents entitled 'Particulars of Claim' had been served on them by the Pannone firm of solicitors representing the six victims involved in the claim.  One wonders if, even now, if the right hand knows what the left hand is doing at Rochdale MBC.

The Rochdale Observer says:
'A council spokesperson said:  "We can confirm that a claim has been issued against the council regarding allegations about the conduct of the late Cyril Smith at Cambridge House Hostel in the 1960s.'

This civil case, we are told is being conducted separately to the ongong police investigation into allegations of abuse at Knowl View, the former council-run school for vulnerable children in Bamford, in Rochdale, in the 1970s.  It is also, as we reported on this Blog, being run separately from the investigation begun by Rochdale council and conducted by the barrister Andrew Warnoch Q.C. who will, as we reported last Tuesday, be examining the 'decision making process', and how things may be improved by the council in the light of what happened at Knowl View in the period 1988 to 1995. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, now why are we not to surprised!! Given they seemed to think, or they use too think of him has their golden boy!!!!! Still the powers that be will now have to finally admit just how wrong they all were, and those so called bad lads were telling the truth for well over fifty years. I believe they call it final justice for all those victims, those same victims will now have their day in both the courts and the public areana. Quite a few sleepless nights for them, we hope, or has Clint Eastwood once said pay back time.
