Monday, 17 February 2014

Longtown Tenants in Cumbria get support!

THE distressed tenants of Longtown (Cumbria), huddled into one room to both eat and sleep - they cannot afford to heat other rooms in the house - have at last found a champion to speak up and fight for them. 
The tenants tell us they had no one to turn to, and their landlord Riverside Housing Association, was doing nothing to help them except threaten eviction to those who complained. So the tenants contacted Carlisle Tenants' and Residents' Federation. 

Now the Federation is pressing the tenants’ desperate case to local councillors, Ray Bloxham and Val Tarbitt and to Rory Stewart M.P. (Penrith and the Border) all of whom are very concerned and are giving total support to the tenants. 
Mr Stewart told the Federation:
'It is unacceptable that many residents are still afraid to turn on their heating because of the cost.'
A series of meetings is now underway to help the 80 tenants who for nearly two years – covering two winters - have been suffering from unheated homes and astronomical fuel bills up to 400 per cent more than normal. One elderly woman is faced with a bill of £3,500.  The disastrous story started when a Riverside scheme to install solar panels in 175 houses went wrong.  A Federation spokesman explained: 'That bungled operation disrupted heating in about 8o homes and the tenants have been suffering ever since, they have no proper heating and also have the added burden of energy bills which are up to 400 per cent bigger than usual.' 
He added:  'It is a total disgrace, particularly as those tenants who complained have been threatened with eviction. It is also a disgrace that Riverside has no tenants' organisation in place for them to turn to.' 
So the tenants have no voice.  In desperation they turned to the Federation.  We are pleased we have been able to help! 
For Further Information Please Ring 01228 522277
Issued By Carlisle Tenants' And Residents’ Federation

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