Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Blacklist Talks Lead to Walk Out

THE first talks to take place between blacklisted workers and representatives of the blacklist compensation scheme last night ended in acrimony as the delegation from the Blacklist Support Group walked out of the meeting in disgust at what they described as "piss take" proposals. The Blacklist Support Group delegation, made up exclusively of blacklisted workers, Dave Smith, Steve Kelly and Roy Bentham, met with John Taylor ex-chief executive of ACAS, Richard Slaven (partner, Pinsent Mason solicitors) and Daryl Taylor who were representing the blacklist compensation scheme. The meeting held at the offices of Pinsent Masons solicitors in the City of London ended in acrimony when the delegation of blacklisted workers walked out following blunt exchanges. Roy Bentham, blacklisted joiner from Liverpool and UCATT member said: 'These are not proposals designed for genuine negotiations. It is a piss take masquerading as a publicity stunt. We were not prepared to continue with the charade. The blacklist compensation scheme press release claims they are making this offer because of their altruistic concerns for blacklisted workers. If the firms have really turned over a new leaf, they can prove it by offering jobs to blacklisted workers on Crossrail and other major construction projects. Blacklisting breached our human rights, forced us into years of unemployment and made our families suffer financially. Why is a celebrity whose phone has been hacked, worth so much more than the human rights of a building worker? If there was any justice in the world, the directors implicated should be on their knees begging our forgiveness. We will settle for offers of employment, full compensation and a public inquiry into this squalid conspiracy. These blacklisting wretches have the brass neck to offer us a thousand pounds in compensation. They can shove their grand, right up their profit margin.' Attached pic (L-R) Steve Kelly, Dave Smith, Roy Bentham Blacklist Support Group video: blog: facebook:

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