Thursday, 25 April 2013

Blacklisting Update - April 2013:

1. Crossrail: 
The campaign against blacklisting on Crossrail goes up a gear now UNITE have allocated resources - good luck frank Morris - well done to everyone who has been on the protests.
Video footage of National Housing Awards, National Building Awards and Westbourne Park picket

2. Protest against blacklisting by Royal BAM at their AGM in Holland: 
BAM are part of the BFK consortium that sacked Frank Morris - UNITE sent a delegation of blacklisted workers to Holland to protest and discuss with Dutch unions. Steve Acheson, Frank Morris and Gail Cartmail represented - well done people (photo attached).

3. International Workers Memorial Day - Sunday 28th April 2013:
Remember the Dead - Fight for the Living.

Blacklisted workers are speaking at the following events:
London: 10.30 am at Building Worker Statue, Tower Hill organised by London Hazards Centre - Speakers include Tony O'Brien - Construction Safety Campaign.

Chelmsford: Admirals Park 12.30pm - Speakers include Steve Kelly - organised by Chelmsford TUC.

Bristol: 1 to 2pm - Bristol Cathedral - speakers include Dave Smith & Nigel Costley SWTUC organised by SWTUC. 

Liverpool: 1pm at South Piazza of Georges Dock - Speakers include Len McCluskey, Steve Rotherham MP, Tony Kearns -CWU, Linzi Herbertson FACK.

Manchester: Albert Square for 10.30am music form FBU Band - Speakers including families of people killed by work (FACK), G.M. Asbestos Victims Support Group. 

There are 100s of IWMD events taking place - there will be one near you.

4. Labour Party Policy Review:
Blacklisted workers have held a 90 minute private discussion with Jon Cruddas MP, the man charged by Ed Milliband to run the Labour Party Policy Review which will determine the party's Election Manifesto commitments and called for a full Leverson style public inquiry into the scandal. The MP for Dagenham met representatives from the Blacklist Support Group and the GMB union at Portcullis House as part of the formal consultation process for the policy review which is expected to form the basis of the next Labour Party General Election Manifesto.

The delegation including blacklisted worker Dave Smith and GMB union Dagenham branch secretary Penny Robinson called for the existing Blacklisting Regulations introduced by the previous Labour government to be strengthened to make blacklisting a criminal offence punishable by punitive fines and custodial sentences.

Gary Doolan, Islington Labour Councillor explained how local authorities across the country were now passing motions calling for blacklisted firms to be denied publicly funded contracts until such time that they fully compensated those they have blacklisted.

Dave Smith - Blacklist Support Group secretary said:
'It was an open and honest exchange of views but we made it crystal clear that the victims of this systematic human rights abuse will judge the Labour Party not by what it says but by whether it delivers justice'

John Cruddas MP said:
'I have profound concerns about the allegations of state involvement in blacklisting and as the coordinator of the Labour Party Policy Review, I give my commitment that the issues raised at the meeting will feed into the Policy Review'. 
The demand for a public inquiry and criminal sanctions for blacklisting is supported by TUC, GMB, UNITE, UCATT and every major union in the UK. Another meeting is planned for later in the year.
5. Steve Rotheram MP Meeting with blacklisted workers
Roy Bentham and John Flanagan met Liverpool MP Steve Rotheram on 19th April to discuss the EDM and Councils excluding. Good work fellas.

6. Steve Acheson video

The Defence Fund set up to save Steve Acheson's house: Cheques made payable to Fiddlers Ferry Hardship Fund c/o 6 Red Gables, Pepper Street, Warrington WA4 4SB.

7. Blacklisting Debate in the Scottish Parliament

Thursday, 2 May 2013 - Scottish Parliament, EH99 1SP Edinburgh, 

Neil Findlay MSP is moving a motion in the Scottish Parliament to ban blacklisting firms from all publicly funded contracts in Scotland.

8. Random Press coverage from Sweden and Devon

9. Bristol Blacklisting meeting
7.30pm Monday 29th April
Tony Benn House, 92 Victoria Street, Redcliffe, Bristol

10. Reel News - Film Night - Thursday 25th April

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