Tuesday, 12 March 2013

North West TUC Call Upon Councils to Shun Blacklisters

LAST Saturday's North West TUC Conference at the Mechanics' Institute in Manchester called upon the TUC nationally to urge local Councils not to employ or award contracts to companies that have histories of involvement with the Consulting Association, a band of blacklister in the construction industry that were hitherto affiliated to this organisation run by the late Ian Kerr.  The motion put before the Conference was drafted by Tameside TUC and accepted by the Greater Manchester County Association of TUCs as a motion before being presented and voted through as a resolution by the delegates at the NW TUC Conference.

The decisions agreed were worded as follows:
i. To support demands for a full investigation/ public inquiry into blacklisting, both past and present, and into the intimate involvement of both the police and security services in these iniquitous practices.

ii. To draw up a list of local authorities who are awarding contracts to blacklisters like Carillion, and to try to get them to award publicly funded contracts to companies that are not among the 44 companies that were affiliated to the Consulting Association.

This motion was accepted by the Conference as being formerly moved and seconded without any debate, owing to lack of time for a full discussion.

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