Monday, 7 January 2013

Who's Worst? The the State or the AF?

Under the Pavement loses Venue!
SOURCES close to 'David Under the Pavement' and other organisers of last December's Manchester Anarchist Bookfair, suggest that owing to the bookfair ending in a chaotic shambles in which one of the organisers nick-named 'Veg', egged on by some members of the Anarchist Federation (AF), like the Londoner Nick Heath, picked on a man with impecable Jewish roots called Barry Woodling, and accused him of being an 'anti-Semite'.  Only to show him the door, amid a chorus from the Anarchist Federation calling him a 'f**king disgrace'.  It seems that staff at the Museum that housed the Bookfair, and who were called-in to do the Bookfair organiser's dirty work were not amused when they were forced to eject Mr. Woodling.  Now it seems that the Museum staff are unhappy about the bad experience presided over by David Under-the Pavement and his mate 'Veg'.  They, and the Anarchist Federation, are unlikely to be invited  to hold amother Bookfair at this Manchester Museum.