Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Northern Voices and t'other buggers: AF & MI5

NORTHERN VOICES must be doing summat right because soon after Simon Danczuk made his speech on child abuse and cover-ups in the House of Commons on Tuesday last week, someone hacked into the Northern Voices e-mail account, and our server closed it down.  At the same time Northern Voices is under attack from a group, perhaps a hundred strong nationally, called the Anarchist Federation (AF) and an affiliate of theirs with a bit of a grudge now nicked-named the 'Salad Cream Queen'.  This lady rose to fame with her twelve  'Nutcracker soldiers' in a star performance at the London Anarchist Bookfair, where she trashed the Northern Voices bookstall and sprayed salad cream on the photo of the murdered 'Goth girl' from Bacup, Sophie Lancaster.  Meanwhile over the last few weeks while we have been researching the story of Cyril Smith and the allegedly abused lads at Cambridge House in Rochdale in the 1960s, both John Walker, the former editor of the Rochdale Alternative Paper in the 1970s, and I have been receiving Trojans on a systematic basis.  On that same evening Edna, our pet goat, sustained a bloody nose; is someone trying to send us a message?

What's it all about? 

The pet goat's injuries was probably down to the local kids in Castleton, Rochdale, throwing stones and the attacks by so called 'anarchists' at the bookfair has something to do with them being thin-skinned about some criticism contained in an obituary about one of their members.  But the attacks on the Northern Voices e-mail account and John Walker's e-mail are more suspicious.  Possibly it is a rival journalist trying to get an inside story relating to Sir Cyril Smith, or given the interest of special branch and MI5 in the Cyril Smith case, perhaps, when we at and Paul Waugh on  broke the story of Cyril Smith's alleged abuse of boys at Cambridge House in the 1960s, other agencies were crawling all over us.  This is particularly ironic given that the members of the Anarchist Federation are one of the most coy and shy political groupings in the country:   that they should start throwing salad cream and acting daft in public just at the moment when MI5 might suddenly be taking an interest in Northern Voices and its associates is comical in the extreme.  These shy lads and lasses couldn't have picked a better time to get noticed if they'd tried.


  1. "The problem with NAN has a lot to do with it being dominated by an unofficial affinity group. The AF has members. If I do something wrong in one of the jobs I do for the organisation, I can expect to be told and can expect to not be doing that job in the future. This really does happen. What is there to control the people at the centre of NAN? Absolutely nothing."

    Wise words! Amen!

  2. The Northern Anarchist Network is an autonous network with no hierarchy or leadership. Many individual anarchists and groups have attended the network meetings over the years. Members of AF and Solidarity Federation are welcomed at our meetings which are rotated across the North of England. It is not possible for any one individual or affinity group to dominate the network. Such criticisms lack foundation.
