Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Strike Threat at Crossrail Site Report Details:

Crossrail go hysterical over unionised contractor after safety concerns are raised
LAST Friday at 3pm every unionised worker for E.I.S. electrical contractor on Crossrail at Westbourne Park tube were be searched and removed from site.  The McGingley union rep was dismissed from site earlier today.  These are the opening shots in what appears to be a major battle over unionisation and safety on the Crossrail project. Unofficial picketlines look set to appear very soon and could cause chaos in West London. 

Bernard McAuley UNITE national Construction Officer has been in negotiations at the Crossrail project all day.  More info and contact details below.  E.I.S. Electical working on the BFK (BAM FERROVIAL KIER) CROSS RAIL tunnelling contract company have been removed for hi-lighting saftey issue.

Unite saftey rep Rodney Valentine was removed from site immediately after he was elected he was suspended from site for 6 weeks and eventually transferred to another project where he worked for 1 week before being suspended again he is now approaching his 3rd week.  Ring Rodney Valentine on 07734246045. 

Unite shop steward Frank Morris was banned from the construction site after raising saftey issues on the tunnel boring machine he was removed from site and placed in a site hut for 11 hours per day with absolutley no job to do in solitary confinement.  Ring Frank Morris on 07779782904.

E.I.S. electrical supervisor was removed from project after taking a picture of 11000V HIGH VOLTAGE CABLE which was lying under bolders and had scaffold clips and boards thrown on it because he took the picture to present to the in house saftey team he was removed by main contractors BFk's MR Horrello working on behalf of Ferrovial.  We have the photos.

BFK have decided to relieve themselves off all responsibility and Terminated E.I.S. contract mid term even though there is a further 3 years on the contract and other recruitment agencies are actively recruiting positions and even actively poaching E.I.S. employees. 

Unite the Union sees it this a attack on the union organisation. The primary motive for the removal of E.I.S. from the westboune project is to to remove a unionised workfore who's representatives wanted to participate in the safe opperation of the BFK Westbourne Park cross rail project.

Harry Cowap 07812678228 is Unite the Union regional officer
'the saftey rep has done nothing wrong;
the shop steward has done nothing wrong;
the men employed on site were doing a good job;
E.I.S. the company has done nothing wrong'
above are the words of E.I.S. Managing Director Ron Turner managing director 07980745729

1 comment:

  1. According to Scaffolding clamps manufacturer, Scaffolding clamps is a device used at a joint between pipes on a scaffolding structure to secure those pipes in place.
