Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tameside Council leader Kieran Quinn acts dumb on Carillion!

FOR the last 12 months Kieran Quinn, leader of Tameside MBC, has been boxing clever about controversial issue of the awarding of Council contracts to Carillion - a self-confessed company of blacklisters.  What follows are excerpts from a letter delivered on 3rd, August 2011 to Councillor Quinn, from the Secretary of Tameside TUC, Brian Bamford:

Dear Kieran Quinn,

'We are aware that contracts have been awarded by Tameside MBC to the construction company Carillion.  We are also aware that the Information Commissioner raided the office of the Consulting Association and confiscated ... data in connection with the blacklisting of workers in the British building trade:  many of the workers were active trade unionists.  It was found that Carillion was one of more than 40 firms affiliated to the Consulting Association managed by Mr. Ian Kerr...  Mr Kerr was later found guilty of keeping an illegal data base...  At the last meeting of Tameside TUC concern was expressed that a Labour Council is awarding contracts to a company such as Carillion that has been named as being involved with an organisation illegally collecting data such as the Consulting Association.' 

'Tameside Trade Union Council awaits your response to these concerns and justification for awarding Council contracts to Carillion.'

Yours sincerely,
Brian Bamford:  Secretary of Tameside TUC.

In a case of Dave Smith v Carillion earlier this year solicitors for Carillion admitted that company had been involved in the blacklisting of workers.  Thus far, Councillor Quinn has not replied to the above letter.


  1. What is it with Sandra Stewart, Tameside Council's borough solicitor going for walks with the director overseeing the building schools for the future. She broke her leg walking this directors dog.

    Why has Sandra Stewart then gone on no less than three holidays with the director from BSF? Hmmmm...

  2. What is Paul Taylor and Tameside Unison's view on Carillion and their involvement in the blacklisting of active trade unionists in the British building trade?
