Thursday, 21 June 2012

Scottish Affairs Select Committee deliberates on the blacklist and the blacklisters

MPs today (Tues 19th June) heard the call for managers who blacklisted and ruined the lives of workers to face custodial sentences. The call came from Francie Graham and Steuart Merchant at the Scottish Affairs Select Committee investigation into blacklisting in employment.

Mr. Graham and Mr. Merchant, both blacklisted electricians from Dundee, gave oral evidence to the Select Committee chaired by Ian Davidson MP about their experiences of blacklisting by the notorious Consulting Association. After many years of repeated unexplained dismissals, unemployment and strains on family life due to the illegal conspiracy by major building contractors, the pair told the committee:  'Now is the time for justice'.

Watch the evidence:

The evidence covered a wide range of issues including blacklisting of union safety representatives, the offshore industry, major Scottish projects and Scottish firms including Balfour Beatty (whose Director, Gerry Harvey was outed last week at the Select Committee for attending the Consulting Association meetings in Scotland).  The pair also raised the issue of the Joint Industry Board (J.I.B.) the national partnership agreement between unions and employers in the electrical contracting industry and its possible role in the blacklisting of workers.  The pair criticised the current Blacklisting Regulations for having no teeth and called for senior managers and Directors who carried out the blacklisting to be jailed. A Report published in 2011 by the Justice Select Committee chaired by Alan Beith called for custodial sentences for those guilty of the most serious breaches of misuse of personal sensitive information.

The Select Committee investigation into blacklisting is expected to last 6 months and the evidence sessions involving Directors and senior managers accused of blacklisting are keenly awaited.

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