Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Link4Life Bosses: pay rises?

                  Willy Eckerslike Seeks Solace In Sophistry!____

Willy Eckerslike cartoon above is from the printed version of
Northern Voices 13.

Link4Life bosses, Managing Director Craig McAteer and his deputy Peter Kilkenny, saw their pay rise by 70% in 4 years according to Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk.  Mr. Danczuk told Parliament that he had been sent an anonymous letter detailing the pay increases.  He said it claimed the MD, Craig McAteer was paid £69,000 in 2006 and this had now risen to £120,000, meanwhile his deputy, Peter Kilkenny had started on £73,000 and this had gone up to £90,000 in 3 years.  Previously this year, Link4Life had admitted McAteer and Kilkenny had had pay rises but no precise figures were forthcoming.  Last week, the Rochdale Observer asked Link4Life for a comment but they hadn't replied before the paper went to press.

The Summer issue of Northern Voices carries an article by Touchstones Challenge campaigner, Debbie Firth, questioning the management of the arts and heritage in Rochdale by Link4Life.  She was particularly concerned about the cuts in funding to the arts.  We asked her to comment on these recent revelations and Debbie said:  'I am very concerned that a "not for profit" organisation can justify paying it's director a 70 % salary increase over 3 years whilst making front line staff redundant. How can this be justified?'

As for the allegations divulged by Simon Danczuk in Parliament to the Communities & Local Government Select Committee last week, Debbie Firth said:  'I am glad that Rochdale's MP Simon Danczuck is taking this issue seriously and asking for transparency' but she added  'Yet again, Link 4 Life have not publicly disclosed these figures ,and the trustees themselves have declined to share this information with the people of Rochdale.' 

Ms. Firth then issued a challenge:  'If Link 4 Life directors and their trustees believe that such salary increases are fair at a time when Arts and heritage services are being cut, then surely they would be more than happy to disclose the figures themselves.'

The printed version of NORTHERN VOICES 13, with all sorts of stuff others won't touch and may be obtained as follows:
Postal subscription: £5 for the next two issues (post included)
Cheques payable to 'Northern Voices' at
c/o 52, Todmorden Road, Burnley, Lancashire BB10 4AH.
Tel.: 0161 793 5122.
email: northernvoices@hotmail.com

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