Friday, 22 June 2012

Five Alternative Theatres Down South!

Mika Ross-Southall, writes in the Financial Times of the first Elizabethan open-air Theatres:  'Behind a pub in Shoreditch east London, the remains of the Curtain - believed to be the the second purpose built theatre in London - have recently been discovered by archaeologists from the Museum of London who believe the site is one of the best preserved examples of Elizabethan theatre in Britain (Built in 1577).'  Others include the 'Theatre (1576-1597):  built by James Burbage... the Theatre became the playhouse of the Lord Chamberlain's Men' when the lease expired it was dismantled by the Burbages and relocated and rebuilt as the Globe in 1599.  The Globe (1599-present) was located near the Rose, and was made from reused timber of the Theatre, though this did burn down during when the thatch roof caught fire during a performance of Shakespeare and Fletcher's Henry VIII. A new Globe was built on the same foundations with an audience capacity of 3,000 and a tiled roof.  In 1997, a reconstruction of Shakespeare's Globe was opened with a production of Henry V.  The Rose (1587-1606):  built by Philip Henslowe in 1587, south of the River Thames on Bankside.  It had three tiers and an audience capacity of around 2,000.  The Swan (1595-1600s):  Built in 1595 on Bankside, it was the biggest theatre in London and the only playhouse with a surviving pictorial record of its interior.
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