Tuesday, 8 May 2012

'Boycott Workfare' campaign to end work-for-your-dole slavery!

Here's the latest from Boycott Workfare... take a look at our dates for the diary below and find out what else has been going on! Loads of people are taking creative and diverse action.

Across the UK people are finding creative and effective ways to bring downworkfare. Here's a flavour of some of the things that have happened recently: *

On 31st March, shops using workfare were targeted on high streets in over 20 locations across the UK:http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/reports-from-day-of-action-against-workfare/ *

In Birmingham, guided “Workfare walk of shame” actions have put pressure on local store managers and engaged the public. Read their guide to organising a walk on your high street here:http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=896 *

In Liverpool, there's been two actions in the last fortnight:http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2012/05/495639.html *

After years of struggle, Edinburgh Claimants have won the right to be accompanied to meetings with A4E:http://edinburghagainstpoverty.org.uk/node/79 *

Brighton Benefits Campaign have picketed their local A4E:http://brightonbenefitscampaign.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/picket-of-a4e-11am-friday-4th-may-clocktower-brighton/ *

In London, Chris Grayling had to find an alternative entrance (we suspect through the rubbish area) to an event entitled “Putting employers at the heart of the Work Programme”: http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=880 *

On Mayday, high street stores who profit from workfare were again the target of protests:http://www.demotix.com/news/1189599/may-day-workfare-protest-London The campaign is gaining union support. Last month, NUT conference voted to condemn workfare and congratulate those campaigning against it. This follows national support from the PCS union and the Bakers Union, as well as loads of branches and trades councils. Read more: http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=927 Some sanctions have been temporarily lifted from some of the schemes.

This month we finally saw written evidence that some of the sanctions have been temporarily lifted on three of the five workfare schemes. This shows our actions are having an impact but we won't stop until all sanctions are lifted from all five schemes permanently. More info and find out if this affects you:http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=912 Dates for the diary...====================== /

26 May: National conference – How do we break workfare?/ A conference is being hosted by Brighton Benefits Campaign on the 26th May where campaigners and activists will meet to discuss How Do We BreakWorkfare? Full details at:http://brightonbenefitscampaign.wordpress.com/saturday-26-may-national-conference-how-do-we-break-workfare/ /

This Tuesday: Boycott Workfare meeting in London/ 7pm, Tuesday 8th May, Italian Trade Union Centre, 124 Canonbury Road,London N1 2UT (just a few minutes walk from Highbury & Islington station). If you can’t make it, but would like to feed in ideas or thoughts beforehand, please email us: info@boycottworkfare.org /

10 May strike/ Job centre staff union PCS and others from Unite and NIPSA will be on strike over pensions on 10th May. A good chance to talk to people onpicket lines about the threat that workfare poses to all. Download ourt rade union leaflet here:http://www.boycottworkfare.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Feb-2012-Leaflet.pdf /Other dates?/ Let us know and we'll help spread the word on our blog /facebook and twitter. Have a look at more ideas for helping to stop workfare:http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?page_id=82

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