Saturday, 9 April 2011


FROM next Tuesday the 12th, April till 10th, May 2011, their will be an exhibition of 'Rochdalian Artists' at Number Ten Gallery at 10, Baillie Street, Rochdale, OL16 1JG: Monday to Saturday between 9am - 5pm. 'Rochdale Artists' are a group of locals of differing experience, abilities and tastes, who meet together to support each other in artistic endevours. New members are always welcome - just come along to a meeting: Meetings every Tuesday 7pm to 9pm at Castleton Library & Community Centre. To contact the 'Rochdale Artists' ring 01706 379609.

Northern Voices 12, with our interview with Burnley artist, Liam Spencer, is on sale at the Number Ten Gallery.

1 comment:

  1. More than sixty oil paintings, watercolours, pastels and acrylics, were on show downstairs at the Number Ten Gallery preview in Rochdale's town centre, last night. Northern landscapes, portraits, still lifes and even the odd political point was made; as in the 'Closure of the Three Owls Bird Sanctuary - Shame on those responsible' acrylic by Lynne Thompson: all were presented by the members of the 'ROCHDALE ARTISTS' GROUP'. There were two abstracts 'Day at the Races' and 'Crashing Wave' in Acrylic by Brian Thomas and a watercolour that took my fancy 'Farmhouse at Bowland' by Jack Hammill. But I particularly liked the Brian Thomas 'Day at the Beach' and Veronica Swinden's 'Cheryl' portrait.
