Saturday, 12 March 2011

Roscoe occupation update

The occupation of the Roscoe Building by Manchester Autonomous students has continued for 18 days. The main objectives are to build for the anti cuts demo on the 26th March, promote alternative education, create a safe space for organising events, films, talks and workshops and build international solidarity for the movements in North Africa.

Over the last 2 weeks there have been workshops on BDS (Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions) re Israel, Discussions about NHS reforms. a talk on the Ragged Trousered Philantropists by Dave Harker, meetings of Students for a Sensible Drugs Policy, speaker on Schooled in Precarity, anti-fascist meetings, public order training and a talk on African homophobia.

Every week there is a general organising meeting and each day a catch up meeting to plan activities and review the progress of the occupation as well as discussing any issues that may have arisen. The ethos of the occupation is undoubtedly libertarian with a major emphasis be placed on consensus in the decision making processes.

The space is truly empowering and there is a strong sense of unity amongst all the activists. Future events planned inlude an anarcha-feminist day and discussions on anarchist theory and practice.

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