Wednesday, 9 February 2011

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for the People's History Museum!!!

Let's stuff the southerners!

Northern Voices, along with the TUC, invites its readers and supporters to consider voting for the People's History Museum which is now on the long list for the 2011 Art Fund Prize. See below for an appeal from Tom Mellish of the Organising and Recruitment Team of the Trades Union Congress:

Dear Colleagues

My apologies if you have received this message from elsewhere already but I know we all support and have a great affection for the People’s History Museum in Manchester. The TUC and the union Movement has a long association with the museum and its predecessor, the National Museum of Labour History. The museum had some brilliant news last week – it’s on the long list for the 2011 Art Fund Prize. This is the UK’s largest arts prize with a prestigious £100,000 award for the winning museum.

For further information about the award, if you’re interested, please use the links below:

- Link to the news story on the museum’s website about the Art Fund Prize

- Link to the Art Fund Prize website with the list of the judges for 2011

- Link to an article on the Guardian website by Charlotte Higgins (one of the judges) -

But most importantly, please consider voting for the museum in the online public poll, and you might want to encourage your friends and contacts to do so too.

- Link to the online poll to vote for PHM – You also have the opportunity to sing the praises of the museum on the polling web page

The PHM is up against the mighty British Museum, and similar establishments, so it needs all the support it can get. Winning this prize will not only enable the PHM to develop its work and raise its esteem in the worlds of art and academia but it will also significantly raise its profile with the public generally, many of whom have no real knowledge of trades unions or their own history.

Thank you.

Tom Mellish
Organising and Recruitment Team,
Trades Union Congress,
Great Russell Street,
London, WC1B 3LS
tel no 020 7467 1380

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